Online Classes Offered by Ashtar's Trinity



The Master's Classes

Under the direction of the Church of Sananda's Eagles, the Master's Classes are an 10-week intensive which bring you into your Mastership. Metatron told us, "The Master's Classes are designed to help you push that ego out of the way so you can see, feel and hear THE Truth. Not YOUR truth, not HER truth, not HIS truth… 'THE' TRUTH. Do we understand? And I want them to be advertised as such."

These are 'by invitation only' classes… with the invitation coming from Sananda… for those who have completed the 48-lesson Ascension classes... or have 'almost' completed them... as they present information and techniques which others are not as yet ready to receive. According to Sananda, the 'suggested' love donation for these classes is to be $36 per class, due to the energies that we, as facilitators, expend while going through these ten classes with you. This will be a total of $363 for the ten Master's Classes. We will allow payment plans on this, however, 1/3 ($121) is required to be paid before the classes begin, and the balance is due before the tenth class. Payment can be made by cash, check, money order, or credit card online through PayPal using as the 'send to' address.

If you have gone through the Sananda Teaches Ascension lessons and feel you are ready for the Master's Classes, please email as soon as possible and we will present your name to Sananda for his approval.


Earth Wisdom - Shaman Classes

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Lessons on Unity Consciousness

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