Please feel free to browse through our Ship's Store. Here you will find a multitude of products, books, video and audio tapes, Lemurian Vortex meditation stones, one-of-a-kind crystal and Red Rock Runes, Rosie's Rocks and meditation candles, zany bumper stickers for your spacecraft, as well as the Ashtar/Athena 'Guardians' poster. We also invite you to visit our online store at CafePress for a large selection of Ashtar's Trinity and Sananda's Eagles logo items.
General Ordering Information:
ALL ORDERS should be sent to: Church of Sananda’s Eagles, P.O. Box 328, Clarkdale, AZ
86324 USA
with check or money order made out to Church of Sananda’s Eagles (NOT to
Ashtar's Trinity or Sananda's Eagles). Credit card orders can be placed via
PayPal, and the address you will need
Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery.
Sananda Teaches Ascension
4-volume set of 48 lessons, 12 lessons per
suggested a love donation of $1.00 per lesson, therefore, this will not be changed.
$12.00 for each volume + shipping/handling ($3.00 Domestic, $5.50 International)
Now available in Spanish. Please specify English or Spanish translation when
Ahora disponible en Español. Especifique por favor la traducción
Inglesa o Española al ordenar.
Light Lessons and More Light Lessons
Books of lessons and explanations from Sananda, the
Ascended Masters and the Space Brotherhood.
$17.00 each + s/h ($3.00 Domestic, $5.50 International)
Master's Class Book
Available only to those who have already completed the Master's Classes.
$17.00 each + s/h ($3.00 Domestic, $5.50 International)
Flight School Training Manual
Previously taught as a group online class, Ashtar’s Flight School Training Manual has been re-edited and formatted into a 34-week home study course complete with workbook pages. This is the ‘nitty-gritty’ for those serious about finding their Inner-Self. $17.00 each + s/h ($3.50 within U.S., $7.50 International)
By Janisel
The Life Onboard the Ships of Light book is 150 pages long (8.5" x 11" format) and contains photographs (no, not of the inside of the ship my camera melted when I tried that. LOL) And as requested by Athena, permission has been given by various people to have their Readings published, although I've not used their 'earth name' for reasons of privacy. This is because the reading of other people's Command Readings will 'trigger' your own memories. Even the cover of the book has three 'accelerators' on it, put there by Ashtar. If I were smart, I would probably have written under an alias, myself, and then send the book in a plain brown wrapper. LOL If you have had a Command Reading, know someone who has, or are just curious about what it's like to be onboard, then I think you'll really enjoy reading about my escapades as well as a few secrets I tell on others. <wink>
Cost of the book is $17.00 USD plus $2.50 postage within the U.S. and $5.00 postage for international delivery. Checks need to be made out to Janisel Rohs and mailed to P.O. Box 328, Clarkdale, AZ 86324. Credit card orders are accepted through PayPal using as the 'send to' address they will ask for.
Master's Classes Audio
Tapes Set
Eleven 90-Minute Tapes
The cost of this set is a minimum love donation of $111 and can be obtained
ONLY after you have completed the online classes.
Inner Rainbow Chakra Balancing Meditation
Balance and revitalize your chakras using this guided meditation and crystals.
$16.00 + s/h ($2.50 Domestic, $4.50 International)
Cosmic Connection - Tuella Speaks on the Ashtar Command
(audio only)
Recorded 'live' during a conference at the Anaheim Hilton.
Set of four 60-minute tapes. $44.00 + s/h ($5.00 Domestic, $8.50 International)
Cosmic Connection - Tuella Speaks on the Ashtar Command
Recorded 'live' during a conference at the Anaheim Hilton.
Two 2-hour VHS tapes. $88.00 + s/h ($5.00 Domestic, $8.50 International)
Gathering of Souls
Conference - 2000 in Sedona, Arizona
Condensed to a set of three 6-hour VHS tapes.
$125.00 + s/h ($4.50 Domestic, $7.50 International)
Janisel Speaks On
The Ashtar Command and Ascension
Interview on Public Access Television regarding how the Ashtar Command fits
in with ascension, with additional footage of Sue DiCara speaking on ascension
in general.
$22.00 + s/h ($2.50 Domestic, $5.50 International)
Janisel Speaks on
Biblical Evidence of UFO's
This tape contains two Public Access Television interviews with Janisel speaking
about UFO references in the Bible as well as historical art.
$22.00 + s/h ($2.50 Domestic, $5.50 International)
Gifted by the Spiritual Hierarchy to Ashtar's Trinity, these clear quartz crystals
are for the making of specially-charged Waters, each with a specific function
in the preparation for Light body. These are available on a Love Donation basis
in an amount of your choosing.
Alien technology gifted by the Space Brotherhood for the cleansing of the earth's
atmosphere and the elimination of air-borne allergies. See The
Water Book for prices and ordering information.
These stones allow you to tap into the vortex which unites the inner-earth Lemurian
Beings of Light with those of mankind upon the surface. They have been gifted
to grace your meditations and allow you to connect with the Perfection within
the inner-earth, gently cleansing and washing your etheric bodies. When employed
during your meditations, they will open you to the healing, calming, soothing
and spirit-altering energies of our Lemurian brothers and sisters. Various sizes
ranging from $1.50 for the small to $10.00 for table-top display size. Price
does not include postage. Email
for details.
This is the stone that holds the Gold Energy of Creator. Whether you are a Healer, Reiki Practitioner, an Energy Worker, member of a Prayer Group or a Meditator, this is the BOOST to take your work to its Highest Level. This is a new Lightworkers Tool that Sananda has asked be sent out worldwide. According to Sananda, this 'rock' is still connected to the center of the Earth, and is the essence of pure prana from the Creator. In his words, it is "the generator of Creator healing energy. It will MAGNIFY, AMPLIFY, BOOST, ANYTHING that you do! Boost your healing work! Boost your prayer power! Boost your meditations! Whatever your spiritual work might be, this will magnify and amplify the energy of that work." Please be aware that it also boosts the energy of anything you `intend'. And, whoa! Talk about what it does for your meditations! USE WITH CAUTION!
The Rock of Ages is available for a minimum love donation of $22. The size of the rocks varies, but all carry the same amount of energy regardless of size.
Scribed upon the Red Rock stones of Sedona, Arizona
and filled with the higher-dimensional energies of the many vortices within
the area.
$25.00 + s/h ($2.50 Domestic, $4.50 International)
Scribed upon clear quartz crystals from the mines in Arkansas.
Some are single terminated points, while others have irregular or broken points.
Symbol scribing available in either gold (male/active/solar aspect) or silver
(female/receptive/lunar aspect). $30.00 + s/h ($3.50 Domestic, $5.50 International)
Both types of runes are one of a kind, hand-drawn originals and come with drawstring pouch and complete instructions.
Breath Of Life: A Gift From The Throne
Gifted by Metatron to Ashtar's Trinity, Metatron had this to say about this
new healing modality: "It is The Breath to learn how to change your body
to accept one dimension into another. When you teach this, you are teaching
this to people to heal not only their bodies but, in using this breathing method,
they will release many things, including major issues most Light Workers have...
such as worthiness, abundance, acceptance, allowance. For when they use this
breathing method, as I said, it will take their conscious Being directly to
the Throne." Metatron calls it "the breathing method that heals anything...
ANYTHING... ANYTHING." This includes anything from a cold to terminal cancer.
Comes with special crystal, a template of Metatron's energy signature, and cassette
tape of complete instructions.
We were instructed by Metatron to NOT ask a 'specific, set cost' for this healing modality. He said that we were only allowed to recoup our costs, i.e., the cassette tape, accompanying crystal, and printing. We are, therefore, asking only a minimum love donation of $5.00 + s/h ($2.50 Domestic, $4.50 International)
Available in English and Spanish.
The Ashtar/Athena poster made from the original oil painting owned by Ashtar's
Trinity and available nowhere else.
Small (8-1/2" x 11") $8.00 + s/h ($2.50 Domestic, $4.50 International)
Large (8-1/2" x 16") $11.00
Alien ON BOARD $3.00
Alien TRANSPLANT $3.00
Look Up We're Here small $3.00 large $7.50
ROSIE'S ROCKS Featuring:
Sedona in Miniature
Deco/Art - Body painting
on the Body of Mother Earth.
$12.00 + s/h ($2.00 Domestic, $3.50 International)
Totem and Pocket-Pal Rocks
Distinctive and decorative stones
and paperweights, featuring Angels, Quan Yin, Praying Hands, Aliens, Door and
Garden 'Greeters', and more. $2.00 and up.
for specific prices.
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The Sedona Meditation
Handmade GLASS candlesticks from Rosie.
Most contain Red Rock sand with the vortex energies of Sedona.
$11.00 + s/h ($3.00 Domestic, $5.50 International)
Return address labels - minimum
order: 1 set of 3 sheets of 30 labels (90 total) $6.00 + postage
Window Decals $3.50 each + postage
Magnets $4.00 each + postage
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Traditional Ashtar
Command Logo used by Tuella
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New Ashtar Command Logo designed
and commissioned by Ashtar. |
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Guardian Activation International Logo |
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Sananda's Eagles
Logo designed by Sananda. |