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We are happy to include the first publishing of The Religion of Love: A Manual to Guide You on the Path To Enlightenment, by one of our Eagles, Tom Pafe.

The Religion of LoveTHE RELIGION OF LOVE: A Manual to Guide You on the Path to Enlightenment is written for those who are seriously searching for wisdom and the path that leads to the Divine. The journey is long and tedious, but those who honestly search will find it. To each soul, God may appear different, but it is the appearance that is unique, not the reality. God reveals himself or herself to us depending upon how eager and committed our search is. Our love and the understanding of God will ultimately change our perception of the truth.

This book will guide you on your walk with God and illustrate how to find God. It will also show you:

The goal of this book is to provide missing information that can awaken or revolutionize consciousness by providing information on religion that has often been limited to morality or sociality and sometimes theology. And finally, create an environment where religious vibes can flourish.

This book is for those who are seriously searching for wisdom and the path that leads to the divine. The journey is long and tedious, but those who honestly search will find it. To each soul, God may appear different, but it is the appearance that is unique, not the reality. God reveals him/herself to us depending on how eager, how committed, is our search, our love and the understanding of God will ultimately change our perception of the truth. This book will, among many other things: guide you on how to walk with God and show you a step-by-step procedure to finding God, show you what God desires, the purpose of life, how to play the duality game, a practical approach to prayers, direct you on how to find your path in life (Enlightenment, Self-realization, Awakening), reveal the secrets of the kingdom of God as mentioned in the Bible, how to think, feel, and act at the finest levels of consciousness, reflecting the New Earth Consciousness or Golden Age, and, most important, teach you how to become a lightworker. The goals of this book are: first, to provide missing or remote information that can awaken or revolutionize consciousness, by providing information on religion that has often been considered a formality or limited to morality or sociality and sometimes theology; thereby making it possible to manifest your new Space - a place of inner peace, joy, happiness, fulfillment, and abundance. This book will also help you to discover some very important passages from some missing books of the bible, leading you to great insights. Because many religious groups have given only one-sided information to their followers, I have dwelled on the following issues: finding God, spirituality, truth, the purpose of life, The Soul Mission, the Duality Game, love, prayer and why all prayers are not answered – how to create heaven on earth, salvation, heaven vs. hell, Satan, mind, ego, etc. I ardently hope the message in this book can change people's lives by simply expanding their belief systems about God and life and by helping people drop their masks and thereby discovering who they truly are – love and oneness. It will also help to create an atmosphere of tolerance, understanding, integrity, and authenticity, taking into consideration that the greatest problem the world is facing today – all the disharmony in the world – is caused by religious divergence (spiritual arrogance) based on our belief systems. Because belief creates behavior and behavior determines reaction. The problem is a spiritual one, resulting in the split of ideology based on differences in the interpretation of scriptures and ideas or rather beliefs about God and life. These belief systems limit our understanding of the truth and therefore of God. This book aims at creating an environment, an atmosphere, where religious vibes can flower, where God's fragrance – love – can be smelled; guiding you to the Religion of Love. There is only one religion, the religion of love. My ardent vision is of a united or universal religion, within which humankind will become one again as in the beginning.


Thomas Pafe


About the Author

Thomas Pafe was born in 1954 in West Cameroon to Christian parents. Since his youth, he has been engaged in an ongoing quest for God's presence and the proliferation of religious groups and organizations in the world. He practiced engineering until recently when he transformed himself into a neophyte scholar and lightworker.



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